Build a relationship you love

With TeamDau

Get our exclusive offer "3 essential insights every committed couple must know"


Resources for wives, husbands and couples

DIY approach

Work on your skills with Digital Guides and Ebooks. 

Yep, that's me
General Contracting/One on One Coaching

Dive deep into your development and skill building with personalized guidance.

Schedule a 1:1 call with Tom or Vicki or Both
EFT Tapping

A gentle yet powerful method to assist you on your journey of personal transformation.

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Membership for Husbands and Wives

Connect with Tom and Vicki on a deeper level.

Lots of great support and information with a monthly newsletter as well as other special bonuses

What you'll get:

  • monthly Q&A call for husbands
  • monthly Q&A call for wives
  • discounts for Group Tapping Session 
  • and more!
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Inspiring Art by Vicki Dau

Surround yourself with inspiration to create a life you love.

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The Masterpiece Experience

Join us in this life-changing program and start seeing the beauty in every brush stroke of your life. Together, we will transform your perspective and help you craft a vibrant piece of art that represents your journey.

Learn More

The latest from my blog 

How much of a toll is it taking

Nov 12, 2024

Breaking the Silence: The Hidden Epidemic of Sexual Abuse

Feb 13, 2025

Thank you so much for spending time with us. It was really eye opening to hear both of your stories, and it was inspiring that your love for each other has prevailed through anything you have faced. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you Vicki and Tom for everything that you have done for us and those couples that you will help and have helped. To share your experience, time and marriage inspires us to share with others.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

 I really appreciate how Tom lets the husbands know it's not their fault and gives them a road map of what the wives are really dealing with so they can be supportive rather than thinking there is something wrong with them or their wives. Tom and Vicki are genuine and personable and that makes it easier to tackle a difficult subject. I also love how Tom and Vicki honor people in their marriages by affirming how they met, and that they are meant to be together. I am so grateful that God brought me to Tom and Vicki Dau and for the transformation I already have from just a short time with them.